Author: Joseph Kitchens
Southern writer/historian focuses on Deep South and Georgia topics, especially of Native American Cherokees and Creeks, plantation life and cotton. Academically trained with a sense of humor and curiosity about how history impacts families and their everyday lives, even in the smallest places.20.05.2020
Woodrow Stretcher on Rat Genes
Saturday morning. After sleeping late, I awakened to the weekend edition of the Today Show. Twenty-something year-old women,…
A Belated Mothers’ Day Story: Blazing Salads in the Pirates Den
My mother, a woman as demure as a kitten, refuses to have dinner in a restaurant with me…
Millicent: The Chicken Who Worked at Wal-Mart
You know how you can get in trouble telling stories? I’m in trouble with my granddaughters Sarah (6)…
Truth on the Baseball Field
Let me say at the start that I believe in baseball. Sandlot baseball is a testament to democracy…
Woodrow Stretcher: “Is Trump an Alien?”
Its been months since I ran into Woodrow Stretcher at the Home Despot. The garden supply section seems…
Is This the New Normal?
Bandits at the grocery? No, just Karen and me in the homemade masks we wore for grocery shopping…