Author: Joseph Kitchens
Southern writer/historian focuses on Deep South and Georgia topics, especially of Native American Cherokees and Creeks, plantation life and cotton. Academically trained with a sense of humor and curiosity about how history impacts families and their everyday lives, even in the smallest places.03.09.2019
Whitetail Empire, Part 2
George Galphin and the Indian Trade in the Era of the American Revolution While much of their story…
Poems Inspired by the Great War, Part III
This the third installment of war poems by my talented son, Joseph Hugh Kitchens III. Last year, I…
Chariots of the Dogs
Chariots of the Dogs Remember Woodrow Stretcher.? The guy who lives in Mt. Pariah and operates the metal…
Britain, Cotton, Slavery and Civil War
Sven Beckert, Empire of Cotton, A Global History. New York: Penguin Random House,2014. This book inspired my idea…