Author: Joseph Kitchens
Southern writer/historian focuses on Deep South and Georgia topics, especially of Native American Cherokees and Creeks, plantation life and cotton. Academically trained with a sense of humor and curiosity about how history impacts families and their everyday lives, even in the smallest places.18.06.2022
Scenes from Longwood Gardens
During our recent trip to Philadelphia we were eager to see many things. One lay beyond the city…
Battle Between the Hawks and Crows
Our little subdivision sits astride a short, dead-end blacktop that arcs down to and over a small stream…
Ten Years on a Yankee Plantation, Episode 2
Prologue. Located in the heart of “Quail Country,” Pebble Hill Plantation -now a popular stop on the road…
Connections: A Trip to Philadelphia, Bartram’s Travels and a Tree from Georgia’s Colonial Frontier
More than two years into the Covid lockdown, our lives have changed. Gardening has taken over at…
Ten Years on a Yankee Plantation, Episode1
Introduction to the Series Located in the heart of “Quail Country,” Pebble Hill Plantation is a 2,000- acre…
Is There Life Beyond Academia? What I Discovered Outside the Ivy Walls
After fifteen years as a history profssor at a state university, I left college teaching. I My…
As the Blade Turns: The Zen of Lawn Mower Repair
Spring has brought the usual tasks-and kept me away from writing. There are the usual lawn treatments to…
Connections: A Photojournalist, A Professor and a Family Counselor…Reuniting With Friends
Actually, it was not a bar, but an art gallery. After posting plans for Neil McGahee’s photography exhibit…