Author: Joseph Kitchens
Southern writer/historian focuses on Deep South and Georgia topics, especially of Native American Cherokees and Creeks, plantation life and cotton. Academically trained with a sense of humor and curiosity about how history impacts families and their everyday lives, even in the smallest places.01.11.2021
Love the Beach? Hate the Drive?
At east once in every summer when I was growing up, we had to make the drive to…
Redux: Atlanta Confidential/1960 (Part 2)
10.08.2019 / JOSEPH KITCHENS / DEEP SOUTH STORIES, WRITER’S JOURNAL (Note: This month I am republishing a few of my favorite posts…
Redux: Atlanta Confidential/1960 Part 1
02.08.2019 / JOSEPH KITCHENS / HUMOR, WRITER’S JOURNAL My mother was terrified when I took a job as a Water Meter Reader…
Favorite Posts: Why Genealogy is not Enough to Tell Your Family Story
“Finding Your Roots,” Dr. Louis Gates and Why Genealogy Is Not Enough 05.11.2019 / JOSEPH KITCHENS / DEEP SOUTH STORIES, WRITER’S JOURNAL…
Emily the Labrador Retriever Update
Our newest Lab, Emily, has been with us for a year now and just celebrated her second birthday….
Redux: My Boyhood Encounter with a Crop Duster
This is a reposting of an earlier story. I have many new subscribers who I hope to encourage…
A Favorite Post About Georgia Cowboys
Because I have so many new readers, I thought it might be fun to republish some of my…
Connections: The Long Way Home from Apalachicola
The long drive home from St. George Island and Apalachicola began along the stretch of coastal highway through…