Category: Deep South Stories
Reader- inspired stories of their family’s encounters with history. Do you have a story about how history impacted you or your family? Or is there a story handed down in your family of a historic event or personality impacting your family. Ask yourself a few questions to get you started: Where was my grandfather born? What did my mother do during the war? Did anyone famous ever visit my town?
The 1926 Atlanta Banking Crisis: “Three or more crooks, sharpers or fools may apply to the Secretary of State and secure a (bank) charter.”
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
US involvement in World War I was relatively brief and left our European allies deeply in financial debt…
Cotton Crash in 1920’s Georgia
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
My mother’s father, Calvin Sego, moved to the little town of Gough in 1919. The village was itself…
Waters I Have Loved #3: Mill Ponds
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
My father continued a long tradition when he returned from service in World War II: fishing the mill…
Waters I Have Loved #2: An Ocean in Flames
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Uncategorized, Writer's Journal
My father was many things: son of a family down on its luck because of the Depression, self-taught…
Redux: A Link Between Two Small Towns and FDR
Joseph Kitchens / Connections, Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
For reasons I cannot explain, this has been the most popular of all my 150 or so posts…
Redux: Waters I Have Loved #1
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories
The great response to my last post “Black Water Encounter” inspires me to re-post some of my earlier…
Black Water Encounter
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
The ancient Sturgeon is being restored to Georgia waters. My own family lore is peppered with stories of…
In Dog Years
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, For the Love of Labs: Our Labrador Retrievers Peachie, Emily, and Tiny Lab
One way to write the story of my life might be to break it up using the names…
“Baby” on the Dirt Road: Recalling My Mother’s Grit
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Humor, Writer's Journal
We are traveling a red clay road in dry September. Dust roils though the car windows. We…
Connections: Albany, Georgia Welcomes World War II RAF Pilots
Joseph Kitchens / Connections, Deep South Stories, Uncategorized
On the rarest of occasions, I have brushed up against historically significant people and events. Such a time…