Category: Deep South Stories
Reader- inspired stories of their family’s encounters with history. Do you have a story about how history impacted you or your family? Or is there a story handed down in your family of a historic event or personality impacting your family. Ask yourself a few questions to get you started: Where was my grandfather born? What did my mother do during the war? Did anyone famous ever visit my town?
In My Father’s Time, Part 3 (Conclusion)
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Uncategorized, Writer's Journal
There is much I have left out of this story of the ways in which history impacted my…
In My Father’s Time, Part Two
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Uncategorized
It is suggestive that our family has no photographs taken of my father in his teens. To continue…
In My Father’s Time, Part One
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Uncategorized
I suppose many of my generation remember our fathers from young childhood experiences, but our fathers often disappear…
Why Do I Love You, Scarlett?
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, For the Love of Labs: Our Labrador Retrievers Peachie, Emily, and Tiny Lab, Humor, Uncategorized
I swear I cannot walk by a TV when Gone with the Wind is playing. Maybe it is…
Finding Your Family in All That History
Joseph Kitchens / Book Reviews, Deep South Stories, Uncategorized, Writer's Journal
My imagination is ignited by the past. You and I continue to live out the consequences of the…
Are Our National Politics Defined by Our Grievances?
Joseph Kitchens / Book Reviews, Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
The current airing on a streaming service of the film Hillbilly Elegy, based on J.D. Vance’s memoir, prompted…
Going to School on Tobacco Road
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Humor, Uncategorized, Writer's Journal
This story is true as well as I can remember. We moved to Fleming Heights in Augusta, Georgia…
A Boy’s Encounter with a Crop Duster
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
In the summer of 1949, I turned seven and on visits to my grandparents, I was free to…
The Packard Dies on the Road to Tybee
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Humor, Uncategorized, Writer's Journal
…where the sand is hard-packed and smooth, and where the water skittered up in a warm wash…
I Fell Off the Jekyll Island Bridge and Lived to Tell About It
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Uncategorized, Writer's Journal
Life was risky around my father. A mix of fierce physicality, keen mind and, when circumstances required, genteel…