Karen and I said our goodbyes to our wonderful yellow lab two weeks ago, just a few days short of her 14th birthday. Perhaps later I will be up to sharing the story of the joyous life we shared with her , but for now I will simply post a few of our favorite photographs. In her adult years she had become a lady- poised, affectionate and beautiful. We still awaken in the night listening for her soft breathing, or at morning, her deep sigh at daybreak signaling that she is ready for us to rise and fix her breakfast.

From the time we brought Peachie home, she never wanted us out of her site.
Peachie was born to be a water retriever, and in her youth loved racing around in the shallows of the Amicalola River.
We took her on vacation to Lake Hartwell. once..
Where she swam with her own PFD…
Somewhere in her water rambles, Peachie injured her knee and had to have surgery at UGA…
She became more circumspect about adventures…
…except when we went to visit the kids and grandkids in Miami where she spent hours playing chase with her nephew, Ruger (R). Ruger was a real outdoorsman, having grown up in Montana. He passed on last year. That’s fog from their breath clouding the window.
Peachie occasionaly complained that we lived too far from water
In Peachie’s final weeks she had great difficulty walking, and I think she enjoyed seeing the outdoors and neighbors on our wagon rides.
Our girl remained beautiful and cheerful to the end, and we are grateful to have had those last three months to love her, hold her close and say our farewells. She died peacefully, just as she had lived -with her mom and dad near to comfort her.