Tag: Gough
Why Are There So Many Dying and Dead Towns in Georgia? Help Needed from Readers!
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Uncategorized, Writer's Journal
I am researching one likely answer to the question in my title, that is, what was the long…
The 1926 Atlanta Banking Crisis: “Three or more crooks, sharpers or fools may apply to the Secretary of State and secure a (bank) charter.”
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
US involvement in World War I was relatively brief and left our European allies deeply in financial debt…
In My Father’s Time, Part 3 (Conclusion)
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Uncategorized, Writer's Journal
There is much I have left out of this story of the ways in which history impacted my…
In My Father’s Time, Part One
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Uncategorized
I suppose many of my generation remember our fathers from young childhood experiences, but our fathers often disappear…
A Boy’s Encounter with a Crop Duster
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
In the summer of 1949, I turned seven and on visits to my grandparents, I was free to…
Augusta Mail Boy Flees Spanish Flu Epidemic
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
The current health crisis caused by the Corona Virus reminds us that viruses have posed an enormous challenge…
“Finding Your Roots,” Dr. Louis Gates and Why Genealogy Is Not Enough
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
After rereading and posting my review of Dan Miller’s biography of writer Erskine Caldwell, I recalled that the…
Gough, Georgia: Five Photos from the Early 20th Century
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
This portrait image is of Ellen Ponder Davis Gay ca. 1895, about twenty years younger than in the…
The Sun is Going Down on Gough, Georgia: Photo of Town Watering Pump
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories
In an earlier post (The Sun is Going Down on Gough, Georgia, Part 2) I describe a scene…
The Sun is Going Down on Gough, Georgia (Part 2)
Joseph Kitchens / Deep South Stories, Writer's Journal
Elegy for a Small Town My mother’s life was forever altered by her father’s surprising decision to leave…